Whirlwind – Cosmic Cruise [Liquid Drum & Bass]
Written by hellcutter on May 3, 2021
Part of a brand new EP “The Mission”, we present you Whirlwind’s starry DnB beauty that is gracing the infinity of space at the same time that the pony is “embarking a daring journey into the unknown atmospheres of the Cosmos”, sent by The Equestria Space program!
Whirlwind is actually a drummer, and I don’t just mean the delightful DnB beats heard in this track – I mean someone playing the physical instrument as part of a rock band for example! And I got the pleasure of meeting him at BronyCon last year! Well, the musician actually went beyond and started venturing into Electronic music composition too, making lovely tunes available on his Bandcamp and YouTube channel such as “Diamond Mine” involving Rarity, and “Delicious Dessert” involving Pinkie! Those tracks were actually based on real life dreams that Whirlwind had, and following that streak a whole album “Escape” had been made, about travelling to Equestria and even featuring guest voice acting. I recommend it! It’s about time he gets a well-deserved performance at our Cider Parties, and what better occasion than a brand new EP, that has the concept of space exploration as a pony! “The Mission” is for sure space-y and dreamy in its nature, reflecting the mysteries of space and the endless questions lying within its infinite depths. “Cosmic Cruise” is a good showcase of such a concept brought to sound design perfectly, while also displaying the musician’s current musical skill with such a quality DnB arrangement. My teammates, who are more well-versed in technical stuff in music, especially praised the quality of the percussions in this track, and as Luck Rock said: “Fitting since he is primarily a drummer”! A lot of beauty to appreciate in this track for sure! Let’s send Whirlwind our best wishes for this daring exploration of space! For Equestria! I wonder what answers he will uncover…
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7bfs3ozub90zpec/Whirlwind+-+Cosmic+Cruise.wav/file
The Mission (full EP) on Bandcamp: https://whirlwindstudios.bandcamp.com/album/the-mission
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkmSX6l7vRc
Follow Whirlwind
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CaptainWhirlwind
Bandcamp: https://whirlwindstudios.bandcamp.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Whirlwind_DRUMS
SUBMIT YOUR MUSIC TO CIDER PARTY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScYopW3_xURihOpxvphQn99baYySPaH8VHQoN5FcdjH_eIwsA/viewform?c=0&w=1
Alternatively you can send me your submission directly through PM on Discord (Makenshi#6897)
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Cider Party Discord server: https://discord.gg/XnFyBM8
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Art by Light262
original: https://www.deviantart.com/light262/art/Pl4net-523783661
wallpaper edit: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5k2rp9y27zg2dvp/cosmic_cruise_wp.jpg/file
“Solar Surf” is my favorite track from the album, it’s so emotional!
After all the dark vibes from the last upload, it’s time for something bright again, or more like something you hear Before the Daylight… /)
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