Do You Want To Know A Secret? (DRUM & BASS BEATLES #1: PLEASE PLEASE ME)
Written by hellcutter on April 29, 2021
MP3s available on Patreon!
If you want to use this for a cover or you need custom backing tracks made (covers or originals), send me an email!
I recorded everything you hear over the course of several weeks. The drum tracks were all made bar for bar. These projects take a very long time to complete, so please have the courtesy to shoot me an email if you plan on reusing these or want isolated versions. 🙂
Each song starts with a count-in to help you get the tempo, and I added mild hi-hat counts during music breaks (silence) so you can keep the time.
WHY DO THIS? The goal of this series is to bring attention to Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr’s amazing early chemistry together, which is often overshadowed by The Beatles’ excellent vocals and guitars.
Also, people have been asking me for years for tabs, backing tracks, etc! I really appreciate all the support. This is the least I can do – I hope these tracks encourage people to practice musical instruments and create their own cover songs!
Finally, I have found there’s already plenty of good guitar covers on YouTube. However, there’s not much for bass and drums on these early tracks (especially the more obscure ones)!
PLEASE NOTE: These tracks are NOT meant to be note-for-note identical. I tried to use a variety of fills and variations that you hear throughout the Beatles’ recordings. With many of these early songs, there’s no “right” way to play them – every take, live performance, and BBC cut are all a little bit different. As a result, I recommend trying to learn the overall STYLE of the instruments as opposed to trying to exactly replicate what you hear on the record. It’s more fun that way, too!
All original audio recordings and graphic media are copyright (C) 2018 Nick Martellaro. No samples from The Beatles’ original recordings were used whatsoever.
DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes ONLY under fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. My videos are provided as INSTRUCTION to help you learn how to play and sing these songs yourself. For this reason, many of my videos feature footage of a song’s construction (both instrumentally and vocally) to aid you in this learning process. All audio tracks are intentionally mixed with louder instrument levels and further channel separation than the original recordings to help isolate sections when learning. They should NOT be sold, duplicated, or distributed without the original copyright holder’s permission. Absolutely no audio from the original recording has been used in this video. If you enjoy this music, support the original artists and BUY the officially released versions.
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