bank pain – Glass Shards & Gold [Halftime Drum & Bass]
Written by hellcutter on April 26, 2021
How to introduce one of the most incredible tracks I ever heard, and one that is so emotionally powerful for me… I have no clue. I’m at a loss for words for introducing this groundbreaking song from music master and visionary bank pain, that is enchanted with a deep story as part of a brand new Sunset-themed concept EP “Rewritable”. I very highly recommend that you check out the full story of the EP, structured by song and linked below! Everypony, I hope you will enjoy this musical experience from another world…
Full story from bank pain:
How to give justice to an insanely amazing song that made me tear up several times, and to a deep and lovely story about Sunset Shimmer that is exactly what makes pony music special? It’s a daunting task, but I’ll first say that I am utterly honored to be able to premiere “Glass Shards & Gold” to you, bank pain’s otherworldly concept masterpiece. It is something quite big for me, and I can only hope that this song and its story become powerful for you too.
bank pain is well-known for diving into crazy sound design and unique progressions, providing us with blissful and emotional experiences. “Breaking of Dawn” from Ponies at Dawn Guardians is a great example of that, and now it’s time to herald the advent of a brand new Sunset-themed EP from the musician, that includes many shining gems, each having its own part of the full story.
“Glass Shards & Gold” tells a certain dream that Sunset is having post-EQG1, and I highly recommend that you read about it from the linked story. It deals with guilt and regret as her subconscious looks back into the time when she was in Equestria, and it does it with godly sound design and musical exploration. Through the divine musical experience, and the literal magic, we get a part of bank pain’s perspective and feelings toward Sunset and what happened after the Fall Formal. Not only it’s such a wonderful thing for us fans of the same show and movies, but it’s also an utter delight for the ears and the soul. I wouldn’t be able to explain the magic that is this song with words, so I’ll let you have your own experience of it. Be sure to give bank pain a hug, to grab the full EP and to read the full story if you love to know about those things like I do! All for Sunset, and for the power of Passion!
Download/Story from Bandcamp:
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Art by Mirroredsea
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This song impacted me so much, and I’m so happy to be able to present it to you all!!
At first I wasn’t sure of what to do for the visuals, since anything I’d make would hardly be enough for the incredible piece of magic that this song is, but in the end I decided to still give it a go and ended up going all-out, with different visuals matching the progression of the song.
Magical particles, dark matter, smoke, sun and lens flare with flicker, “eyes shot”, fire particles, and two different starglows with shimmer (I had to raise the “shimmer” setting a lot for this one!)
I tried… I still don’t think this is enough, but hopefully this modest visual tribute will add one more “I want to support this!” line from me out there, and hopefully it will provide an enjoyable visual experience for you, too! But really, this song is so incredible that it would already be utterly powerful on its own (I can tell from experience!)
Be sure to give lots of hugs to bank pain who worked very hard to bring this shimmering EP to light!
All for Sunset!
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